Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's like a Pregame for Halloween

Yes, we all thought that the crazy apartment pool party that looked like an MTV springbreak gone wild was bad. Tour de fat was even more crazies just not confined to one pool area. It was insane. 5 blocks of people dressed up in costume on bikes getting ready to parade around town. It took me about two hours to finish the parade route (which moves extremely slow) and even when I was finishing, there were still people just starting. And I thought Living History Farms was crazy and full of random people. Tour de fat = prime time people watching. Let me just show you.

 Here we have Fred and Wilma getting ready to start the race.

 And naturally a big T-Rex Man, yes he is drinking beer in this picture. 

 Davy Crockett Colorado Style?

 I always pictured Sponge Bob looking way different in real life....

 Chick-fil-A mascot? Not for sure.

 Of course classic Pac-Man

 Gotta get at least one mullet in there.

 The gang from the hangover asked us to be in their picture

 gnomes in their natural environment

 Alan from the hangover, satchel and all

 annd there was alot of this...random costumes....

 Portable disco ball

 Penguin man

 Holy Batman!

Of course no festival is complete without an oversized porta potty that you can karoke in

Our prime picture taking time was after the parade where New Belgium Brewery had free stages complete with music, competitions, and comedic acts. And plenty of beer tents. All in all a very successful but tiring day!

My labor day weekend was not complete without a trip into Rocky Mountain National Park. We decided to hike to Chasm Lake, right next to Long's Peak (one of the highest peaks you can actually hike to in Rocky Mountain National Park). The round trip was 9 miles and to Long's Peak it is 14 I believe. Someday soon, it is a goal I have. But Chasm Lake was beautiful, and I heard we went at a great time. Let me just share with you:
 Beautiful Columbine in the Alpine Tundra

 The streams were full and flowing

 Chasm Lake!

 Beautiful Waterfall

 A marmot, relative to the squirrel : ) 

Long's Peak in the Fall. Great day and perfect weather for the hike!

But after the holiday weekend I've realized that only in Fort Collins....

  • Is it acceptable to have a brewery put on an all day city fest that everyone actually attends
  • Can I ride my bike in the rain (and a dress!) and not get any second looks
  • Am I motivated to just ride my bike grocery shopping and I dont even give it a second thought!
  • Do they give out free I love biking stickers and pins : ) 
  • Can you not see the mountains when it rains. 
  • I just can not seem to get this high altitude baking down : ( Thank God I dont have a husband to witness all of my screw ups. 
  • Does a train arrive in town everyday during rush hour, which just happens to be at the same time I leave my apartment if I want to be to class early. So actually I have to leave my apartment twice as early if I want to run any errands before class so that I have time to wait on the train or beat the train. 
  • Can I get a suntan from waiting on my bike for a train
  • Will someone stop me mid-run and ask if 'Dutch Tennis' is a drinking game. Ha no, my Dutch Tennis shirt was just the mascot at my undergrad school and I was on the tennis team.....come on people dutch tennis is not a 'different type of beer pong'. Don't you know drinking games are not accepted in your town?! Great idea though, I'm working on a new game as we will be called Dutch Tennis, more details to come. And knowing me it will include tequila. 
  • Oh yeah, and only in Fort Collins do they pre-game for Halloween. Entertaining.
Weekend class this weekend!! Love it. Ha. But intramural tennis tournament begins Sunday!! Look out all you undergrad ladies, I'm playing for a trophy!! Or a shirt. Whatever they give out to intramural champions.
Happy Weekend! Enjoy!

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