Lesson learned:
You cannot walk across CSU's campus in 10 minutes.
This is not central college, pella, iowa anymore.
This is the real life. Real college. It takes 15, at least. by the time you dodge all the bikers and long boarders, deny about 5 people asking you to take a survey, and speed walk past all those dang cowboys who cant walk fast in there boots, its a good 20 and that is just to the middle of campus.
Good thing I'm not in a sport. I wouldn't have the energy after walking to class.
Now I know why everyone skips class.
Oh yeah and there is no need to stand in line at the bookstore to return your books. The guy at the counter will just look at you like your stupid, tell you to take 5 left turns, a right turn, and 3 steps back and somewhere in the middle of all that, there is a window, with one woman working, where you return your books.
Hmm. okay. it's like freshman year all over again.
oh yeah and if your brand new bike breaks down in the city where bike theft is a problem. Don't worry, at least it is stranded outside of the police station, and it is already registered.
But only in Fort Collins:
- Does the college send out a brochure against beer pong. not because it can lead to excess drinking, noise complaints, or meningitis. but because it is not environmentally friendly. Yep, ya gotta throw those red plastic cups out sometime, maybe a broken ball here and there too. well, too bad. i'm not stopping, i'll just use glasses.
- They have a night called Bohemian nights where multiple high school garage bands play in old town and all the locals gather. and sometimes dance. in their flowing dresses and mid-drift tops.
- Reuse, recycle, be green and save money. but every woman in this town has a nice pedicure. With designs.
- or they have no polish on at all. Cant afford a pedicure. Guess it's the all natural route for me if i want to fit in
- sprinklers all turn on at 7. conveniently the time i walk back from class. this isn't Arizona people, it rains here. Come on lets be environmentally friendly, save the water and play beer pong, i would appreciate it.
- they only sell white sweet potatoes in the grocery stores. yep, not the same as a normal sweet potato. take my word on it.
wahoo first 4 hour friday night class tomorrow. pumped. especially since i would much rather be there than the B.O.B Sean Kingston concert on campus that I could have gotten into for about $8 for being a student. oh well at least the student I.D. still gets me free rides on the Transfort system.
Pointless water sprinklers are my biggest pet peeve EVER!!! I hear ya on that one! Hilarious about the beer pong flier too, lol.